El confort dels estranys

Last saturday, at Fun Fan Fest, I presented my new project. This is my second project of this size, the first one, for those who do not remember, was The Collage Age in July 2012.

This one, called El confort dels estranys (The strangers comfort) is an evolution of the trilogy "The snoopers” (that soon we will see the next two issues published in Bad Weather Press). There is only 30 numbered copies with modified covers (back covers too) and available on fairs and soon online through BWP shop.

The use of a background with elements, and the other elements that are overlapped should be read in the same order as a comic. Nothing more, nothing less. Obviously, the use of collage makes me difficult to repeat a character so you have to “watch” the characters that appear as a subject, a representation of something and find the same “character” it on the next page (represented with something similar). Repeat this process in every page, until you complete the story.

For this complex way of reading (watching) a story, I always say that the best of these publications is not the first reading, but from the second and third, once you analysed down to the smallest details.